Board Seat Nominations


Seats for election at the 2024 Conference:

President Elect-duties include: Co-share the responsibility of hosting the annual conference, assist the President with duties/responsibilities as needed, additional duties listed in by-laws. Must be an institutional member.

VP of Conference-duties include: Plan annual conference, prepare agenda, oversee registration of vendors, sponsors & members for the conference, serve as chairperson of the program committee, recruit members, additional duties listed in by-laws. Must be an institutional member

Secretary-duties include: prepare, maintain, & distribute the minutes of the association meetings & the executive board meetings, prepare and distribute notices & correspondence, pertaining to the association business, act as historian/archivist, maintain & distribute up-to-date copy of the by-laws as well as policies & procedures, additional duties listed in by-laws. Must e an institutional member


To nominate a member for Board seat please fill out the form below:

Election to be held at annual conference.